Postion |
Name | |
Exectutive Officer | Chris Hallock | |
President | Ed Liddle | KE8ANU(at)arrl.net |
Vice President | Roger Shaull | K8JWL(at)arrl.net |
Treasurer | Frank Reed | KD8UFE(at)arrl.net |
Secretary | Chris Hallock | |
Club Call Sign Trustee | Paul Fowler | N8IG(at)arrl.net |
Membership type | Price | Voting Rights |
Regular Member | $30 | Yes* |
Family Member at same address | $5 | Yes* |
Associate Member | $10 | No |
Student Member | $10 | Yes* |
* A current amateur radio license is required to be a voting member |
Annual Dues are due at the first meeting of the year, but can be paid at or by the second meeting of the year. Dues can be mailed to
UCARC PO Box 91 Plain City OH 43064 or electronically.
The Union County Amateur Radio Club meets in person at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month.
Meetings are held at (unless otherwise noted):
Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720
20900 Northwest Parkway.
Marysville, OH 43040
Google Maps Link:
The Union County Amateur Radio Club meets for a Zoom breakfast virtually on Saturdays at 8:30am.The zoom breakfast is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio, you do not have to be a club member to attend.
The Zoom Breakfast information is below:
Meeting ID: 839 5441 1765
Password: 145350
One tap mobile (Conference Call using phone)
+13126266799,,83954411765#,,1#,145350# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,83954411765#,,1#,145350# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
The Club also helps maintain the repeater in Marysville that is sponsored by the Union County EMA.
The N8IG repeater frequency is 145.350 (-) MHz with a Tone of 127.3 Hz It is open for use with a Technician Class or higher Amateur Radio License, you do not have to be a member of the Union County EMA or the club to use it. Please join us for our weekly net that starts at 8pm on Thursdays on the repeater. Everyone is welcome to check in and take part in the net.
The Echolink/Allstar Link node is on-line 9-25-24
Not in range of the repeater? EchoLink or AllstarLink can be used to listen to and talk on the repeater
Allstar node 467300 KE8ANU
Echolink node 794012 KE8ANU-R Marysville OH
The club has a 70cm DMR Repeater is a 70cm DMR repeater on the Brandmeister network. It is currently set to mixed mode so it will work with both analog and DMR radios. It operates on 443.45MHz with a PL Tone of 136.5Hz with a +5 MHz offset.
Discord ( https://disccord.com ) offers voice/video and text channels that can be used for communication. It can be used with a web browser or the computer/mobile discord app. There are several ham radio related discord servers that are used with youtube channels and a lot of online gamers use disccord for voice and video chatiing while playing games.
We have a discord server setup that can be used by the Radio Club and ARES group. (or anyone else that is interested in amateur radio) . It is free to join and will always be available for use.
The link to join the club's discord server is https://discord.gg/WQNAxXJXfs