Fox Hunt Rules
1. The Fox shall be located within the boundaries of Union County, Ohio.
2. The Fox shall be located in plain view of a public roadway - the 'Fox location'.
3. The Fox operator shall select the Fox location at his/her discretion, subject to Rules #1 and 2. Except as provided in Rule 4, this location will not change during the Hunt.
4. The Fox may begin transmitting at a higher elevation location within a 200 yard radius of the Fox location for the first 30 minutes of the hunt. After the initial 30 minutes, the Fox must transmit from the final Fox location until the end of the hunt.
5. The Fox shall transmit on 147.45 MHz FM simplex, using a vertically polarized antenna. The Fox shall transmit at intervals of 10 minutes or less, for at least 30 seconds per transmission.
6. The Fox operator shall provide clues to the Fox location after the first 30 minutes of the Hunt. The clues shall be determined by the Fox.
7. The Fox operator shall be the sole judge of the first Hunter to find the Fox, and the winner of the Hunt.
8. Hunters shall NOT transmit on 147.45 MHz during the Hunt. Doing so may result in disqualification of the offending station. Please provide a clear channel for the Fox.
9. Hunters shall NOT receive directional or bearing information from base stations during the Hunt. However, Hunters may begin the Hunt from their own base station.
10. Hunters may share location information among themselves while mobile or portable, but NOT from base stations as per Rule #9.
11. The Hunt Control frequency (-145.350 MHz ctcss 127.3Hz Repeater) will be used for all important communications, except for Fox transmissions, during the Hunt.
12. Hunters shall check-in during the 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the Hunt on the Hunt Control frequency, and will notify the Control Station or the Fox if they leave the Hunt early.
13. Hunters are cautioned to obey all traffic rules, and to not trespass on private property.
14. The Hunt will start on the date and time published on the ohiohams.net website, and end approximately 3 hours after the start time, or until all Hunters have found the Fox or have left the Hunt.
15. The Hunt may be ended early due to severe weather or other emergency, as determined by the Hunt Control Station and/or the Fox operator.
16. This is Ham Radio. Don't forget to have Fun!