March 3 Club Meeting Topic Raspberry Pi around the shack

Ed KE8ANU will talk about how he uses for raspberry pi computers around the shack.
He will also demonstrate how they are used.  

The next club business meeting will be held at the May 6th meeting. 

Come early and enjoy pizza before the meeting at 6:30pm. Meeting starts at 7pm


Marvin C. Gilbert EMA Operations Building - EMA Station 720 
20900 Northwest Parkway 
Marysville, OH 43040

Google Maps Link:

MUD QSO Party on Saturday March 8th, from Noon to 3 pm

Calling All Hams...
The final MUD Rules Document and Log Forms are posted to the DELARA website.
There is also an announcement banner for the MUD Event at the top of the home page that will take you there.  
I hope to hear you on the air next Saturday the 8th.
- Mike W8MDC
I hope you will participate in our fourth annual MUD (Madison, Union, Delaware county) QSO Party on Saturday March 8th, from Noon to 3 pm.

This will be a fun 'VHF and up' contact event to meet our neighboring club members on the air.  In this event, you can...

  *   Work from home, or go mobile / portable if you like.
  *   Contact anyone in any location (including within DELARA) but the main goal is to meet members of the Madison and Union county clubs.
  *   Make contacts via FM Simplex on various bands - so see how far out you can reach with your station.
Use any of our 3 club repeaters to make contacts (work the same station again, and log another contact)
  *   Try any simplex mode - FM, SSB, AM or digital voice modes (DMR, DSTAR, Fusion).
  *   Any mode or band 6m and up is allowed, but the suggested frequencies / modes should help improve your chances of making a contact.
  *   Submit a log, and compete on points for awards (optional, but encouraged).

We are working on minor rule changes and a simplified log form.  Look for those details to follow in the coming days.

I hope you will mark this on your calendar and join the fun.

- Mike W8MDC

2025 Club Dinner

2025 Club Dinner

It was good to see everyone at the annual Club Dinner on Jan 5th. We enjoyed good food with good conversation. 

2025 UCARC Club Officers

The results of the election are as follows
Club President - Ed Liddle KE8ANU
Vice President - Roger Shaull W8KSH
Secretary - Chris Hallock  W8RNO
Treasurer - Frank Reed KD8UFE 

Radio Room Redo Update

Radio Room Redo Update

Big THANK YOU to Chris, W8RNO for coordinating the work day for the radio room at EMA Station 720, Paul N8IG, Nick KE8VIX, Frank KD8UFE, and Ed KE8ANU for helping remove the desks/cubicle furniture and setting up the tables in the radio room, and also Ron NQ8W and Ed KE8ANU for picking up the tables in Toledo.  
We have some more work to do. We still need to setup the radio equipment, hook up antennas, computers, etc.